Табулатура в формате Guitar Pro , содержащая следующие дорожки:
Guitar 1
Electric Guitar (muted]
Guitar 2
Electric Guitar (muted]
Acoustic Bass
Voice Oohs
Yeah Co-ward, The next time you want to fuck me ov-er, stab me in the front. Can I still see my fu-ture in your eyes? I can-not pic-ture my-self, stone dead in your em-brace, And your cruel, crim-son smile, kills me qui-et-ly. No one can have their mo-ments free from your wi-the-ring touch Fuck off, like your the on-ly one who's e-ver cr-ied or been bro-ken by love. Spare me your pi-ty par-ty, drunk off your own mis-for-tunes. Wal-low-ing in your bliss-ful mel-an-cho-ly. Uh-ah! Can you taste my blood? You knew that this would kill me, But you car-ried on and on, with your sel-fish shit. Eve-ry-one car-ed a-bout you. Why could-n't you, In-stead your greed, com-pelled you, to steal o-ther sil-ver lin-ings? Burnt down my world, you killed my home. Spread out the ash and walked a-way. How could you just, close off your eyes? Turn tail and run, you are the great-est co-ward. Come on! Damn right, I'm still pissed. Next time I see your face we'll see who has the up-per hand. Kiss my fist, taste the floor, tired of your games. Fuck off, good-bye.